Al Baker Grain Products Company Traditional. Modern. Futuristic - All at Once. Al Baker Grain Product Company, popularly known as Emigrain, was incepted in 1995 with a vision to provide the world with the finest range of essential and value-added flour. In less than a decade, Emigrain has grown to become a leading manufacturer and marketer of wheat-based products in the Middle East. Powered by in-depth knowledge of food industry and backed by state-of-the-art HACCP-certified mills, Emigrain today epitomizes the best in product innovation and quality standards. With a daily production output that exceeds 1800 tons. An immensely popular product from the stable of Emigrain, Al Baker reflects its parent company’s unflinching commitment to ensure stringent quality control measures from sourcing the finest raw materials to sealing the freshness in tamper-proof packs.
To be a leading flour company within the chosen segments in GCC by providing quality products, superior customer focus and innovations.
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At Al Baker, we live by this work philosophy and handpick only the choicest wheat grains from the world’s finest fields. Carefully sourced wheat grains are subject to multi-level cleaning process to ensure total hygiene. Once flawlessly cleaned, the grains are milled in state-of-the-art factories and freshly sealed in a tamper-proof packs completely untouched by hand.
In the light of growing conssumer consciousness as well as regionalization and globalization, we at Emigrain, under trained staff and Certified Quality Professional, make sure that our end product is processed best and are untouched by human hands during its processing before it reaches our consumers.